Thursday, November 09, 2006

Shiite proposal would rehire Sunni government workers

"A high-ranking commission of Iraq's Shiite-led government said Monday it had prepared a draft law that could return tens of thousands of former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party to their government jobs.
After toppling Hussein in the spring of 2003, the interim U.S. authority that ran Iraq enacted a plan that purged Baath Party members from their government jobs, whether or not they had been accused of wrongdoing. The move threw thousands of Baathists out of work and is blamed by many for creating a vast pool of unemployed, disenfranchised Sunnis who later became eligible recruits for insurgent groups."

The Washington Post. Proposal Would Rehire Members of Hussein's Party. November 7, 2006.

posted: thursday, november 9, 2006, 1:17 PM ET


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