Saturday, January 20, 2007

Islamists are the Iraqi reality, Sadr pol says

"Baha al-Aaraji, a senior representative for Mr. Sadr in Parliament, said Mr. Sadr’s supporters knew that recent American efforts were aimed at weakening them, and eventually Mr. Maliki, whom they support.
'The main goals are to exclude the Sadrists from decision-making and, after the formation of a new bloc, to replace the prime minister,' he said.
But in the current political situation, in which Islamists are overwhelmingly popular among voters, the efforts are likely to fail, he said.
'In the election, Islamists from both sides won,' he said. 'It is a reality.' "

The New York Times. Shiite Fighters Are Arrested, Iraq Says. January 18, 2007.

posted: saturday, january 20, 2007, 7:04 PT ET

update: saturday, january 20, 2007, 7:07 PT ET


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