Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Govt, media, training, not more troops, needed in Baqubah

"Violence is on the rise in Baqubah, U.S. military officials acknowledge, even as they maintain that it is waning in other parts of oil-rich Diyala province [about 35 miles northeast of Baghdad]. . . . Although the U.S. military has the might to eliminate the insurgents, officials say, keeping Baqubah secure for the long term requires building up the police and army and boosting confidence in the government.
The task is difficult, they add, in a city where former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party, Shiites looking to cement their political control, Iranians seeking an Iraqi foothold, Kurds attempting to expand southward and insurgent groups such as al-Qaeda in Iraq struggle for dominance. The provincial council has not met in six months, and there are few local media the government can use to communicate with the people.
. . . Because of the tribal complexities here 'you can't find just one leader in Diyala,' [Diyala brigade commander Col. David W.] Sutherland said. 'If you're asking what I need, I need the provincial council to come to work and show backbone, and I need local media. . . . I don't need more forces.' "

Murphy, Bill Jr. (The Washington Post). In Baqubah, 'Focus Is Aimed, Controlled Shooting'. February 19, 2007.

posted: tuesday, february 20, 2007, 5:46 PM ET


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